step1: If arrival time in hour<current time in hour
then arrival time in hour+24
explanation: let current time is 10:00 & bus arrives at 9:00 ! This means you missed today’s bus which departed at 9:00. So you have to wait until next day(24 hours)
step2 : If arrival time in minute<current time in minute
then arrival time in minute+60 & arrival time in hour-1
explanation: let current time is 4:15 & bus will arrive at 4:20. In this case do nothing in this step. but if current time is 4:15 & bus will arrive at 5:10 then arrival time in minute will be increased with 60 (10+60) & arrival time in hour will be reduced by 1 (5-1). Now we can calculate the time to arrive a bus as step3.
step3: How much time it will take to arrive bus=(arival time in hour – current time in hour) * 60 +(arival time in minute– current time in minute)
step4:How much time it will take to arrive home=How much time it will take to arrive bus(calculated in step two)+ traveling time.
step5:Find the lowest value of step4’s values. Show this lowest value as output
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { long tc, bus, i, j, ch, cm, ah, am, dh, dm, x, count, result, trvl_time[101]; char crnt_time[8], arvl_time[101][8], d[3]; scanf("%ld", & tc); for (i = 1; i <= tc; i++) { scanf("%ld %s", & bus, crnt_time); count = 0; d[0] = crnt_time[0]; d[1] = crnt_time[1]; d[2] = '\0'; ch = atoi(d); d[0] = crnt_time[3]; d[1] = crnt_time[4]; d[2] = '\0'; cm = atoi(d); for (j = 1; j <= bus; j++) { scanf("%s %ld", arvl_time[j], & trvl_time[j]); count++; d[0] = arvl_time[j][0]; d[1] = arvl_time[j][1]; d[2] = '\0'; ah = atoi(d); d[0] = arvl_time[j][3]; d[1] = arvl_time[j][4]; d[2] = '\0'; am = atoi(d); if (ah < ch || (ah == ch && am < cm)) { if (cm > 0) { dm = 60 - cm; dh = 23 - ch; } else dh = 24 - ch; dm += am; dh += ah; x = dh * 60 + dm + trvl_time[j]; if (count == 1) result = x; if (x < result) result = x; } else { if (am < cm) { dm = am + 60 - cm; ah--; } else dm = am - cm; dh = ah - ch; x = dh * 60 + dm + trvl_time[j]; if (count == 1) result = x; else if (x < result) result = x; } } printf("Case %ld: %ld\n", i, result); } return 0; }
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