Table of  associativity & precedence of operator

Operator Description Associativity Precedence
() Function calling operator Left to right 14
[] Array index
. Dot membership operator
->  Selection of Element using pointer
! NOT Operator Right to left 13
~ One’s-complement
 Unary minus
++ Increment
— — Decrement
& Address of operator
* Indirection
(type) Data type casting
Sizeof Sizeof
* Multiplication Left to right 12
/ Division
% Modulus operator (reminder)
+ Addition operator Left to right 11
Subtraction operator
<< Left shift operator Left to right 10
>> Right shift operator
< Less than operator Left to right 9
<= Less than or equal operator
> Greater than operator
>= Greater than or equal operator
== Equal operator
!= Not equal operator
& Bitwise AND operator Left to right 8
^ Bitwise XOR operator Left to right 7
| Bitwise OR operator Left to right 6
&& Logical AND operator Left to right 5
|| Logical OR operator Left to right 4
?: Conditional operator Right to left 3
=, + =* =, etc. Assignment operators Left to right 2
, Comma Left to right 1

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