Chapter 3: Programming Exercise
Write a function using reference variables as arguments to swap the values of a pair of integers.
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; void swap_func(int &a,int &b) { cout<<" Before swapping "<<endl <<" a = "<<a<<endl<<" b = "<<b<<endl<<endl; int temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; cout<<" After swapping "<<endl <<" a = "<<a<<endl<<" b = "<<b<<endl<<endl; } int main() { int x,y; cout<<" Enter two integer value : "<<endl; cin>>x>>y; swap_func (x,y); return 0; }
Enter two integer value : 56 61
Before swapping
a = 56
b = 61
After swapping
a = 56
b = 61
Write a function that creates a vector of user given size M using new operator.
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int m; int *v; cout<<" Enter vector size : "<<endl; cin>>m; v=new int [m]; cout<<" to check your performance insert "<<m<<" integer value"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { cin>>v[i]; } cout<<" Given integer value are :"<<endl; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { if(i==m-1) cout<<v[i]; else cout<<v[i]<<","; } cout<<endl; return 0; }
Enter vector size : 5
to check your performance insert 5 integer value
7 5 9 6 1
Given integer value are :
7, 5, 9, 6, 1
Write a program to print the following outputs using for loops
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int n; cout<<" Enter your desired number :"<<endl; cin>>n; cout<<endl<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(int j=1;j<=i;j++) { cout<<i; } cout<<endl; } return 0; }
Enter your desired number : 6
Write a program to evaluate the following investment equation
V = P(1+r)n
and print the tables which would give the value of V for various
of the following values of P, r and n:
P: 1000, 2000, 3000,……………,10,000
r: 0.10, 0.11, 0.12,………………….,0.20
n: 1, 2, 3,…………………………………..,10
(Hint: P is the principal amount and V is the value of money at the end of n years. This equation can be recursively written as
V = P(1 + r)
P = V
In other words, the value of money at the end of the first year becomes the principal amount for the next year and so on)
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<math> #define size 8 using namespace std; int main() { float v,pf; int n=size; float p[size]={1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000};//9000,1000}; float r[size]={0.11,0.12,0.13,0.14,0.15,0.16,0.17,0.18};//,0.19,0.20}; cout<<setw(5)<<"n=1"; for(int i =2;i<=size;i++) cout<<setw(9)<<"n="<<i; cout<<"\n"; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { cout<<setw(-6)<<"p="; for(int j=0;j<size;j++) { if(j==0) pf=p[i]; v=pf*(1+r[i]); cout.precision(2); cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); cout<<v<<setw(10); pf=v; } cout<<"\n"; } return 0; }
n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 n=7
p=1110 1232.1 1367.63 1518.07 1685.06 1870.41 2076.16
p=2240 2508.8 2809.86 3147.04 3524.68 3947.65 4421.36
p=3390 3830.7 4328.69 4891.42 5527.31 6245.86 7057.82
p=4560 5198.4 5926.18 67 55.84 7701.66 8779.89 10009.08
p=5750 6612.5 7604.37 8745.03 10056.79 11565.3 13300.1
p=6960 8073.6 9365.38 10863.84 12602.05 14618.38 16957.32
p=8190 9582.3 11211.29 13117.21 15347.14 17956.15 21008.7
p=9440 11139.2 13144.26 15510.22 18302.06 21596.43 25483.79
An election is contested by five candidates. The candidates are numbered 1 to 5 and the voting is done by marking the candidate number on the ballot paper. Write a program to read the ballots and count the vote cast for each candidate using an array variable count. In case, a number read is outside the range 1 to 5, the ballot should be considered as a “spoilt ballot” and the program should also count the numbers of “spoilt ballots”.
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int count[5]; int test; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { count[i]=0; } int spoilt_ballot=0; cout<<" You can vot candidate 1 to 5 "<<endl <<" press 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 to vote "<<endl <<" candidate 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 respectively "<<endl <<" press any integer value outside the range 1 to 5 for NO VOTE "<<endl<<" press any negative value to terminate and see result :"<<endl; while(1) { cin>>test; for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) { if(test==i) { count[i-1]++; } } if(test<0) break; else if(test>5) spoilt_ballot++; } for(int k=1;k<=5;k++) cout<<" candidate "<<k<<setw(12); cout<<endl; cout<<setw(7); for(k=0;k<5;k++) cout<<count[k]<<setw(13); cout<<endl; cout<<" spoilt_ballot "<<spoilt_ballot<<endl; return 0; }
You can vot candidate 1 to 5
press 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 to vote
candidate 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 respectively
press any integer value outside the range 1 to S for NO VOTE
press any negative value to terminate and see result :
candidate 1 candidate 2 candidate 3 candidate 4 candidate S
4 1 2 1 3
spoilt_ballot 1
A cricket has the following table of batting figure for a series of test matches:
Player’s name | Run | Innings | Time not ou |
Sachin | 8430 | 230 | 18 |
Saurav | 4200 | 130 | 9 |
Rahul | 3350 | 105 | 11 |
… … | … … | … … | … … |
Write a program to read the figures set out in the above forms, to calculate the batting arranges and to print out the complete table including the averages.
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> char *serial[3]={" FIRST "," SECOND " ," THIRD "};//global declaration using namespace std; int main() { int n; char name[100][40]; int *run; int *innings; int *time_not_out; cout<<" How many players' record would you insert ? :"; cin>>n; //name=new char[n]; run=new int[n]; innings=new int[n]; time_not_out=new int[n]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { if(i>2) { cout<<"\n Input details of "<<i+1<<"th"<<" player's"<<endl; } else { cout<<" Input details of "<<serial[i]<<"player's : "<<endl; } cout<<" Enter name : "; cin>>name[i]; cout<<" Enter run : "; cin>>run[i]; cout<<" Enter innings : "; cin>>innings[i]; cout<<" Enter times not out : "; cin>>time_not_out[i]; } float *average; average=new float[n]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { float avrg; average[i]=float(run[i])/innings[i]; } cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<setw(12)<<"player's name "<<setw(11)<<"run"<<setw(12)<<"innings"<<setw(16)<<"Average"<<setw(20)<<"times not out"<<endl; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<setw(14)<<name[i]<<setw(11)<<run[i]<<setw(9)<<innings[i]<<setw(18)<<average[i]<<setw(15)<<time_not_out[i]<<endl; } cout<<endl; return 0; }
How many players record would you insert ? :2
Input details of FIRST player’s :
Enter name : Sakib-Al-Hassan
Enter run : 1570
Enter innings : 83
Enter times not out : 10
Input details of SECOND player’s :
Enter name : Tamim
Enter run : 2000
Enter innings : 84
Enter times not out : 5
player’s name run innings Average times not out
Sakib-Al-Hassan 1570 83 18.915663 10
Tamim 2000 84 23.809525 5
Write a program to evaluate the following function to 0.0001% accuracy
(a) sinx = x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! +…………
(b) SUM = 1+(1/2)2 + (1/3)3 +(1/4)4 + ………
(c) Cosx = 1 –x2/2! + x4/4! – x6/6! + ………
#include<iostream> #include<math> #include<iomanip> #define accuracy 0.0001 #define pi 3.1416 using namespace std; long int fac(int a) { if(a<=1) return 1; else return a*fac(a-1); } int main() { float y,y1,x,fx; int n=1; int m; //const float pi=3.1416; cout<<" Enter the value of angle in terms of degree: "; cin>>x; float d; d=x; int sign; sign=1; if(x<0) { x=x*(-1); sign=-1; } again: if(x>90 && x<=180) { x=180-x; } else if(x>180 && x<=270) { x=x-180; sign=-1; } else if(x>270 && x<=360) { x=360-x; sign=-1; } else if(x>360) { int m=int(x); float fractional=x-m; x=m%360+fractional; if(x>90) goto again; else sign=1; } x=(pi/180)*x; m=n+1; fx=0; for(;;) { long int h=fac(n); y=pow(x,n); int factor=pow(-1,m); y1=y*factor; fx+=y1/h; n=n+2; m++; if(y/h<=accuracy) break; } cout<<"sin("<<d<<")= "<<fx*sign<<endl; return 0; }
Enter the value of angle in terms of degree: 120
sin(120)= 0.866027
#include<iostream> #include<math> #define accuracy 0.0001 using namespace std; int main() { int n; float sum,n1,m; n=1;sum=0; for(int i=1;;i++) { n1=float(1)/n; m=pow(n1,i); sum+=m; if(m<=accuracy) break; n++; } cout<<sum<<"\n"; return 0; } Sample Output(b) Solution: (c) #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> #define accuracy 0.0001 long int fac(int n) { if(n<=1) return 1; else return n*fac(n-1); } int main() { float y,y1,x,fx; int n=1; int m; const float pi=3.1416; cout<<" Enter the value of angle in terms of degree: "; cin>>x; if(x<0) x=x*(-1); x=(pi/180)*x; fx=1; m=2; float y2; long int h; for(;;) { h=fac(m); int factor=pow(-1,n); y1=pow(x,m); y2=(y1/h)*factor; fx+=y2; if(y1/h<=accuracy) break; m=m+2; n++; } cout<<fx<<"\n"; }
Enter the value of angle in terms of degree: 60
Write a program to print a table of values of the function
Y = e-x
For x varying from 0 to 10 in steps of 0.1. The table should appear as follows
X 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.900 1.0
. . 9.0 |
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<math> using namespace std; int main() { float x,y; cout<<" TABLE FOR Y=EXP(-X) :\n\n"; cout<<"x"; for(float k=0;k<.7;k=k+0.1) cout<<setw(10)<<k; cout<<"\n"; for(k=0;k<10*.7;k=k+0.1) cout<<"-"; cout<<"\n"; for(float j=0;j<10;j++) { cout<<j<<setw(4); for(float i=0;i<.7;i=i+0.1) { x=i+j; y=exp(-x); cout.precision(6); cout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); cout<<setw(10)<<y; } cout<<"\n"; } return 0; }
Note: Here we work with 0.4 for a good looking output.
x 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0 1 0.904837 0.818731 0.740818 0.67032
1 0.367879 0.332871 0.301194 0.272532 0.246597
2 0.135335 0.122456 0.110803 0.100259 0.090718
3 0.049787 0.045049 0.040762 0.036883 0.033373
4 0.018316 0.016573 0.014996 0.013569 0.012277
5 0.006738 0.006097 0.005517 0.004992 0.004517
6 0.002479 0.002243 0.002029 0.001836 0.001662
7 0.000912 0.000825 0.000747 0.000676 0.000611
8 0.000335 0.000304 0.000275 0.000249 0.000225
9 0.000123 0.000112 0.000101 0.000091 0.000083
Write a program to calculate the variance and standard deviation of
N numbers
Variance =1/N ∑(xi -x)2
Standard deviation=√1/N ∑(xi -x)2
Where x = 1/N ∑xi
#include<iostream> #include<math> using namespace std; int main() { float *x; cout<<" How many number ? :"; int n; cin>>n; x=new float[n]; float sum; sum=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>x[i]; sum+=x[i]; } float mean; mean=sum/n; float v,v1; v1=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { v=x[i]-mean; v1+=pow(v,2); } float variance,std_deviation; variance=v1/n; std_deviation=sqrt(variance); cout<<"\n\n variance = "<<variance<<"\n standard deviation = "<<std_deviation<<"\n"; return 0; }
How many number ? :5
variance = 26.24
standard deviation = 5.122499
An electricity board charges the following rates to domestic users to
discourage large consumption of energy:
For the first 100 units – 60P per unit
For the first 200 units – 80P per unit
For the first 300 units – 90P per unit
All users are charged a minimum of Rs. 50.00. If the total amount is more than Rs. 300.00 then an additional surcharge of 15% is added.
Write a program to read the names of users and number of units consumed and print out the charges with names.
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int unit; float charge,additional; char name[40]; while(1) { input: cout<<" Enter consumer name & unit consumed :"; cin>>name>>unit; if(unit<=100) { charge=50+(60*unit)/100; } else if(unit<=300 && unit>100) { charge=50+(80*unit)/100; } else if(unit>300) { charge=50+(90*unit)/float(100); additional=(charge*15)/100; charge=charge+additional; } cout<<setw(15)<<"Name"<<setw(20)<<"Charge"<<endl; cout<<setw(15)<<name<<setw(20)<<charge<<endl; cout<<" Press o for exit / press 1 to input again :"; int test; cin>>test; if(test==1) goto input; else if(test==0) break; } return 0; }
Enter consumer name & unit consumed :sattar 200
Name Charge
sattar 210
Press o for exit / press 1 to input again :1
Enter consumer name & unit consumed :santo 300
Nmae Charge
santo 290
Press o for exit / press 1 to input again : 0
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